
3 min read
Sep 17, 2024

随着今年H-1B二抽海底捞结束很多同学发现自己依旧没有中签。在OPT即将到期的情况下,很多人选择Day 1 CPT作为维持工作和身份的方案。一部分的雇主对Day1CPT有所了解,但是对于Day 1 CPT完全没有了解的雇主,我们应该如何让他们接受Day 1 CPT呢?如果你想跳槽,如何在面试中跟新雇主解释Day 1 CPT呢?这篇文章将为大家提供答案。

说服雇主接受Day 1 CPT


1. 跟雇主解释Day 1 CPT - 情况1: 跟当前雇主解释Day 1 CPT

目前美国大多数雇主都是接受现有员工使用Day 1 CPT继续工作的。根据我们的统计,谷歌,亚马逊,JP Morgan等大公司都有相当一部分的员工在OPT到期后用Day 1 CPT工作。当然也有一些公司明确不接受Day 1 CPT,比如Apple,Accenture等等。

如果你不知道自己公司的Day 1 CPT政策是怎么样,建议你在OPT到期前6个月就和 HR 或者你的 Manager 约一个 1-on-1 Meeting,讨论后续签证问题。在 1-on-1 中要讨论到以下内容:

  1. 提到你在几个月后会面临签证的问题,需要公司的支持,并指出Day 1 CPT是很多人使用的办法。
  2. 介绍Day 1 CPT:
    1. Day 1 CPT项目合法合规,是一种Work-Integrated Program,允许学生在学习过程中同时工作积累经验。美国移民局(USCIS)允许特定项目的学生使用全职CPT,累积与专业相关的工作经验;
    2. Day 1 CPT项目的课程都在晚上以及周末,所以不会对工作时间造成影响。
  3. 提前调查Day 1 CPT学校,给HR展示正在考虑的Day 1 CPT学校名单。
  4. 告知需要雇主提供的支持,例如签署CPT Agreement (大多数学校可以用Employment Verification Letter代替)。

Email template 邮件模版:

Subject: Request for Support on Visa Status and Day 1 CPT Option

Dear [HR/Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention an important matter regarding my work authorization, which is set to expire in a few months. Given the situation, I would like to seek the company's support in finding a solution that allows me to continue contributing to the team while addressing my visa status.

Through my research, I’ve come across the Day 1 CPT (Curricular Practical Training) program, which is a viable option many individuals have successfully utilized. Day 1 CPT is a work-integrated program that is fully legal and compliant with USCIS regulations. It allows students to work full-time while continuing their education, with CPT serving as the authorization for employment.

The structure of the Day 1 CPT program ensures that students can gain valuable work experience without disrupting their professional responsibilities. The courses are typically scheduled during evenings and weekends, so I would be able to maintain my current work schedule without any conflict.

I have already conducted research into potential Day 1 CPT schools and can provide a list of institutions that offer programs aligned with this option. I believe this solution would allow me to remain a valuable member of the team while addressing the legal requirements of my visa status.
I would be grateful if we could discuss the next steps the company could take to support this transition. Please let me know if we can schedule a time to further discuss this.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


2. 跟雇主解释Day 1 CPT - 情况2: 跟新雇主解释用Day 1 CPT入职

在当下的Job Market下,使用Day 1 CPT跳槽或者找工作难度较大,但我们也看到了一些同学用Day 1 CPT成功入职新公司的例子。以下是我们总结的几点经验:

1. 什么公司接受Day 1 CPT入职?

依过往经验来看,中小型公司对Day 1 CPT接受程度比较高,如果Hiring Manager喜欢你,那么可协商的空间就比较大。

你还可以查看过往有支持过H-1B公司。这类公司往往对国际学生的接受度较高。可以在谷歌中通过搜索“公司名称 + h1b visa”来了解公司是否有sponsor H-1B的历史。

2. 面试中什么时候要提到Day 1 CP?

根据大多数同学的经验,中小型公司如果愿意帮你抽H-1B,那它们对于OPT和 Day 1 CPT的接受程度也很高。

a. HR Screening

如果你希望尽快入职,不想浪费时间在不支持签证的公司,那么可以第一轮面试就提出自己需要H-1B Sponsorship以及使用Day 1 CPT工作。

b. Hiring Manager面试之后

在面试中,Hiring Manager有较大的决定权。和HM的面试一般安排在第二轮,如果你很希望可以入职,同时也愿意多积累面试经验,那么建议可以在和HM面试后再提。公司可能会根据你的面试表现再考量是否接受Day 1 CPT。

3. 具体如何解释Day 1 CPT呢?


Email template 邮件模版:

Dear [Employer's Name],

Thank you for considering me for the [Position] at [Company Name]. I wanted to provide clarity on my current work authorization status.

I am eligible to work in the U.S. with Day 1 CPT (Curricular Practical Training) . Day 1 CPT is a work authorization program that allows students to work full-time while pursuing their education. It is fully compliant with U.S. immigration regulations and the program is approved by USCIS. I’m currently an MBA/[Your Program Name] at [Your University].

Through this program, I would be able to continue working without any interruptions to my professional commitments. If the team decides to extend me offer of employment, there are two documents required from the company side to facilitate the process:

  1. Job offer letter
  2. Employment verification letter

If you have any questions or need further details, I am happy to provide additional information or documentation.

I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team.

Best regards,
[Your Name]


3. 常见雇主拒绝 Day 1 CPT 理由以及应对方法

雇主如果拒绝你使用Day 1 CPT工作,通常是因为以下原因:

  • 缺乏了解:有些雇主可能不熟悉 Day 1 CPT,认为过程很麻烦。
  • 对合规性的担忧:美国的移民法律和规定非常复杂,雇主担心无意间违反这些规定。雇佣认为使用Day 1 CPT的员工,可能会被视为存在风险。
  • 短期雇佣风险:雇主可能在寻找长期员工,而使用Day 1 CPT可能被认为是一种短期签证状态。

为了更好地与雇主沟通,让他们接受Day 1 CPT,可以采取以下措施:

  • 主动解释Day 1 CPT:准备好向雇主解释什么是 Day 1 CPT,并强调Day 1 CPT的合法性和稳定性。你也可以提供USCIS官方网站的链接。
  • 确保合规性:确保你的学校是合规的学校,同时可以考虑聘请一名移民律师向雇主解释 Day 1 CPT 的合法性,然后你自己来负担律师咨询的费用。


使用Day 1 CPT工作,和雇主的沟通至关重要。如果你希望可以继续留在美国工作,掌握以上沟通要点非常必要,并且要保持积极主动的沟通态度。必要的时候借助移民律师的辅助,可以让你成功说服雇主接受Day 1 CPT。


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